These are two of my latest children's books. Grumpy Grumblyhuffs is a picture book for very younger readers (3-6), and Canberra Camembears is for older readers who can read chapter books (4-8).
Why are these hippos always so grumpy? The Grumblyhuff family of hippos, who live on an African savanna, are so grumpy, they don't let anyone near them. But what will happen if they finally let someone in their lives?
They're grumpy because their BUTTS ITCH! And they can't scratch their backs and butts themselves. So, they push everyone away in their lives, until......some oxpecker birds show up.
Way 'down under,' in a land called Australia, there was a town called
Canberra, in which lived a family called the Camembears. This family,
the family Camembear, was not your ordinary family. That's because this
family happened to be a family of koala bears. And they weren't even
your ordinary family of koala bears. Somehow or another, the bears were
always discovering things, going on adventures, getting out of trouble,
getting into trouble, getting out of pickles, and all the while having a
good old time, as you shall see.