How to Paint Like Caravaggio

One of the tried and true ways for an artist to learn how to paint is to emulate great artists. This is how I started out with oil painting and it has been invaluable practice. For a while I've been painting my own pictures but it doesn't hurt to get back to the copying, only this time I painted someone else's face, so I've still practiced portraiture and added my own touch.

I've always admired the early Baroque/late Renaissance Italian painter Caravaggio for several reasons. He was considered the first Baroque artist and like any "first", he defied convention and forged his own way, all the while creating controversy and provocation. I hope one day I can blaze a new trail and make valuable new contributions to the world through my art. For now: practice, practice, practice.

I like to challenge myself, and the "tenebrism" or strong chiaroscuro of these paintings were very difficult to paint. I'm no Caravaggio, but at least I can admire and learn from him.

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