Painting A Day- Apple and Orange

Continuing my "Painting A Day" project, I present two juicy fruit ready to eat. The apple was much easier to paint as its texture is smooth and the color mostly uniform, so it was in essence just portraying a semi-spherical object. The orange was trickier as it has a very rough rind and pitted with little dents all over it. In the end I hope it shows the orange in real 3D space and giving the impression of the dimples without over-painting it. I could compare and contrast the final appearance of both, but that would be like comparing apples to oranges.

I've been painting every day since I painted the succulent grapefruits, which started the whole one painting a day project. However in between painting the espresso cup and saucer, the peach, and these apple and orange, I painted the Caravaggio tribute and my little Puss in Boots illustration. I think a pattern emerges: I will paint as close as I can to every day for these simple "Painting a Day" pictures, with each getting done in two sittings with a break in between each, completing 3 or so a week. Sporadically I can be more creative and work on larger formats.

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