Painting A Day

"Painting A Day," is where an artist will commit to producing one painting every single day, or as close as they can to every day.

To see all of my painting-a-day works, click the label "Painting a Day" to the right, or click here.

Common themes and subjects are the easily accessible: everyday household items or views from around the house or yard, and so on. The idea is to force yourself to get practice by following such a strict schedule with deadlines. Output increases right along with skill. What could it hurt? So I've started my own painting-a-day series. I submit for your approval, this shot of espresso con leche for your morning dose of art.

My rules for Painting A Day will be:
  • To Paint as much as possible. Though it may not be every day, if I haven't painted and I have nothing I need to do, there will be no excuse not to get at least a sketch done.
  • Must be completed in the same day that it was started, and preferably in the same sitting. This forces me to just get it done.
  • For that reason, all of these will be small paintings. The espresso shot is on a 6x6 canvas pad.
  • All paintings will be for sale and no prints will be made. I believe most artists use acrylic paints so the works dry quickly and can be mailed within days, but I paint in oil so the paintings must dry for a least a few weeks before they can be sent out. I'm curious to see how this will work out.

Art consumers benefit from this as the artist can put each painting up for sale or auction at an affordable price. I will eventually be offering each of these originals for sale at a good price, so you'd better snatch them up before they're worth millions. Hey, every artist is a little full of themselves, right?

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